New NAEVR/AEVR Executive Director Dan Ignaszewski
New NAEVR/AEVR Executive Director Dan Ignaszewski

(Washington, D.C.) Today National Alliance for Eye and Vision Research (NAEVR) and Alliance for Eye and Vision Research (AEVR) Boards President Paul Lee, MD, JD (Kellogg Eye Center/University of Michigan) announced Dan Ignaszewski as the Alliances’ new Executive Director, effective January 24, 2022, with the retirement of current Executive Director James Jorkasky after 19 years of extraordinary contributions to the vison research community. Dr. Lee stated:

“Since 2008, Dan has served with the Amputee Coalition—most recently in the role of Chief Policy & Programs Officer—where he led development and implementation of the organization’s strategic plans and increased advocacy engagement with partners, stakeholders, and community members. Dan has successfully increased federal funding for community programs by 400 percent and federal investments for research in orthotic and prosthetic device outcomes.

He has written and managed successful federal and industry grants and has served as the principal investigator for a federal cooperative agreement with an annual budget of $4 M. Throughout his career, Dan has led efforts in public policy, program development and implementation, communications and marketing, and strategic partnerships to drive revenue and program growth. These are all skills vital to the continued success of the Alliances.

The Alliances have never been on stronger footing. Thanks to Jim’s leadership, each NAEVR and AEVR saw its most successful year in 2021 in terms of finances and programs, despite pandemic challenges. We are delighted to be able to build on the achievements of the last two decades to further advocate and educate on behalf of vision research and the patients who benefit from our work.  

The Boards are excited to welcome Dan and wish to again thank Jim for his leadership and continued support as a consultant during this transition. Please feel free to send Dan a welcome at [email protected] and join me and our Boards in thanking Jim for his dedicated service at [email protected].”

The National Alliance for Eye and Vision Research (NAEVR) is a 501(c)4 non-profit advocacy coalition comprised of 55 professional, consumer, and industry organizations involved in eye and vision research. The Alliance for Eye and Vision Research (AEVR), a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation, educates about the value of federally funded vision research through its sustained effort Research Saving Sight, Restoring Vision Initiative. NAEVR and AEVR serve jointly as the privately funded “Friends of the National Eye Institute (NEI)” within the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Visit the Alliances’ Web site at