NAEVR’s Dan Ignaszewski and David Epstein spoke with interested researchers about how to increase federal funding for the NEI
NAEVR’s Dan Ignaszewski and David Epstein spoke with interested researchers about how to increase federal funding for the NEI

At the 2023 ARVO Annual Meeting in New Orleans, the NAEVR Booth served as the “Town Hall” for vision research funding advocacy and education. NAEVR wishes to thank the many ARVO members who visited, including those who contacted Congress to express appreciation for the past years’ increases in National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Eye Institute (NEI) funding and requested continued robust increases in FY2024.   


NAEVR also answered questions from researchers about the Department of Defense’s (DOD) Vision Research Program (VRP) funding, which was the focus at NAEVR’s April 24 Defense Related Vision Research Opportunities session at which Vision Program Manager Q. Tian Wang, PhD was the primary speaker.