American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Funding

NIH Implementation of the $10.4 Billion Stimulus

NIH RePorter System Posts NEI ARRA-Funded Grants

1)Click here to go to the NIH RePorter website.
2)Select "Show only projects supported by NIH Recovery Act funds"
3)From the "Agency/Institute/Center:" option, select "NEI"

This will bring up a list of all ARRA-funded grants, which can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet. Note that the file lists 377 grants total, which reflects those funded directly by the NEI and from the Office of the NIH Director.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (H.R. 1) provides $10.4 billion in economic stimulus funding to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through September 2010. This section provides the latest information on NIH’s implementation of this program. Below is a chart that details the funding for the National Institutes of Health. For complete information on the stimulus bill and new funding sources, the NIH has a section of its website dedicated to the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).

Total# Office of Director Transferred to ICs* NCRR^ NIH Facilities
$10.4B $1.2B $7.4B $1.3B $0.5B

# Includes $400 million transferred from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to the NIH Director, which may be transferred to the ICs
* Funds to be prorated in proportion to FY2009 appropriations
^ $1 billion for extramural lab construction and renovation, $300 million for shared equipment

NIH/NEI Talking Points

NAEVR Summary of ARRA-NEI Funding

NIH Releases Preliminary Data on FY2009 ARRA Funding

Recovery Act Implementation Plan

Challenge Grant Applications Challenge CSR

New NIH Recovery Act Opportunity Seeks to Fund High Impact, Large-Scale, Accelerated Research

Recovery Act Limited Competition for NIH Grants: Research and Research Infrastructure Grand Opportunities (RC2) Grant

NIH Announces the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Administrative Supplements

NIH Announces the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Competitive Revision Applications

NIH Announces the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Administrative Supplements Providing Summer Research Experiences for Students and Science Educators

NIH Issues Fiscal Policy for FY 2009 Awards

Applications for $1.5 Billion in Recovery Act Funds Now Available; Grants from National Institutes of Health Will Support Science and Research, Help Grow the Economy

Message from the NEI Director: First Funding Opportunities under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009

NIH Announces $200 Million for New Challenge Grants

Overview from NEI Director Dr. Paul Sieving, February 24, 2009

Message from Acting NIH Director Raynard Kington, M.D., Ph.D. , February 20, 2009

NIH Talking Points, February 19, 2009

Press Releases

November 2, 2009
FY2009 Increase of at Least $230 Million in NIH and Defense Vision Funding Emphasizes Research Quality, Public Health Need, and Impact of NAEVR Advocacy

February 23, 2009
NAEVR Thanks Congressional Leaders for $10.4 Billion NIH Funding in Economic Stimulus Bill and Commits Support for FY2009 Omnibus Appropriations Bill With
$1 Billion NIH Increase

February 17, 2009
As President Obama Signs the American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, NAEVR Praises Congressional Leaders and Biomedical Research Champions

January 14, 2009
NAEVR Urges President-Elect Obama to Include $10 Billion in Economic Stimulus to Restore NIH Purchasing Power and Lead to NIH Budget Doubling

Legislative Updates

March 27, 2009
Acting Director Dr. Kington Updates House Appropriators on NIH’s Implementation Of Economic Stimulus Funding

February 19, 2009
Acting NIH Director Dr. Raynard Kington Briefs Advocacy Community on the $10.4 Billion NIH Economic Stimulus Funding

January 23, 2009
ARVO Researchers Support Increased NIH/NEI and Defense-Related Vision Research Funding During January 23 Advocacy Day